Saturday, April 25, 2020


Kali Linux has been the most advanced penetration testing machine introduced yet. It has the most valuable tools used for every sort of hacking. To take advantage of Kali Linux hacking tools, you have to switch your OS to Kali Linux. You can either install Kali Linux as your default OS or just install as a virtual machine within the same OS. You can learn more about how to install Kali Linux Virtualbox. Today in this tutorial, I am just going to share a very simple Kali Linux tutorial on how to capture screenshot in Kali Linux. It's very simple and newbie friendly.


There are two ways to capture a screenshot in Kali Linux. One is the ultimate easy one and the second one is a bit complex but it's also not so complicated. So, don't worry about anything.


  • In a first way, you can take a screenshot in a similar way as you take in Windows OS by simply clicking the PrntScr button on the keyboard. As you hit that button, a screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder of your Kali Linux. The major problem with it, it only captures the full screen. We have no control over it to capture a specific window or region.
  • The second way is to take a screenshot using the command. For that, open up a terminal in the Kali Linux and type apt-get install ImageMagick.
  • Once the command is completed and ImageMagick is installed. We have two options to take a screenshot with it. One is to capture full screen and second is to capture a specific window.
  • To capture full screen, type import -window root Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal. It will take a full screenshot and will save it to the Pictures directory by the name you specify. Make sure to type .png  at the end of the file name.
  • To take a screenshot of a specific window or region, type import Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal and hit Enter, it will turn the cursor to a selection tool. You just click the mouse button and select the area you want to capture. As you will leave the mouse key, screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder.
That's all how you can capture screenshot in Kali Linux. This is a very simple and beginner-friendly Kali Linux tutorial to help out all the newbies how they can use this features in need. Hope it will be useful for you.

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Attacking Financial Malware Botnet Panels - SpyEye

This is the second blog post in the "Attacking financial malware botnet panels" series. After playing with Zeus, my attention turned to another old (and dead) botnet, SpyEye. From an ITSEC perspective, SpyEye shares a lot of vulnerabilities with Zeus. 

The following report is based on SpyEye 1.3.45, which is old, and if we are lucky, the whole SpyEye branch will be dead soon. 

Google dorks to find SpyEye C&C server panel related stuff:

  • if the img directory gets indexed, it is rather easy, search for e.g. inurl:b-ftpbackconnect.png
  • if the install directory gets indexed, again, easy, search for e.g. inurl:spylogo.png
  • also, if you find a login screen, check the css file (style.css), and you see #frm_viewlogs, #frm_stat, #frm_botsmon_country, #frm_botstat, #frm_gtaskloader and stuff like that, you can be sure you found it
  • otherwise, it is the best not to Google for it, but get a SpyEye sample and analyze it
And this is how the control panel login looks like, nothing sophisticated:

The best part is that you don't have to guess the admin's username ;)

This is how an average control panel looks like:

Hack the Planet! :)

Boring vulns found (warning, an almost exact copy from the Zeus blog post)

  • Clear text HTTP login - you can sniff the login password via MiTM, or steal the session cookies
  • No password policy - admins can set up really weak passwords
  • No anti brute-force - you can try to guess the admin's password. There is no default username, as there is no username handling!
  • Password autocomplete enabled - boring
  • Missing HttpOnly flag on session cookie - interesting when combining with XSS
  • No CSRF protection - e.g. you can upload new exe, bin files, turn plugins on/off :-( boring. Also the file extension check can be bypassed, but the files are stored in the database, so no PHP shell this time. If you check the following code, you can see that even the file extension and type is checked, and an error is shown, but the upload process continues. And even if the error would stop the upload process, the check can be fooled by setting an invalid $uptype. Well done ...
        if ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] && ($_FILES['file']['size'] > 0))
                $outstr = "<br>";
                $filename = str_replace(" ","_",$_FILES['file']['name']);
                $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.')+1);
                if( $ext==='bin' && $uptype!=='config' ) $outstr .= "<font class='error'>Bad CONFIG extension!</font><br>";
                if( $ext==='exe' && $uptype!=='body' && $uptype!=='exe' ) $outstr .= "<font class='error'>Bad extension!</font><br>";

                switch( $uptype )
                case 'body': $ext = 'b'; break;
                case 'config': $ext = 'c'; break;
                case 'exe': $ext = 'e'; break;
                default: $ext = 'e';
                $_SESSION['file_ext'] = $ext;
                if( isset($_POST['bots']) && trim($_POST['bots']) !== '')
                        $bots = explode(' ', trim($_POST['bots']));
                        //writelog("debug.log", trim($_POST['bots']));
                      $filename .= "_".(LastFileId()+1);
                if( FileExist($filename) ) $filename .= LastFileId();
                $tmpName  = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
                $fileSize = $_FILES['file']['size'];
                $fileType = $_FILES['file']['type'];
                ## reading all file for calculating hash
                $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r');
  • Clear text password storage - the MySQL passwords are stored in php files, in clear text. Also, the login password to the form panel is stored in clear text.
  • MD5 password - the passwords stored in MySQL are MD5 passwords. No PBKDF2, bcrypt, scrypt, salt, whatever. MD5. Just look at the pure simplicity of the login check, great work!
$query = "SELECT * FROM users_t WHERE uPswd='".md5($pswd)."'";
  • ClickJacking - really boring stuff

    SQL injection

    SpyEye has a fancy history of SQL injections. See details here, here, here, video here and video here.

    It is important to highlight the fact that most of the vulnerable functions are reachable without any authentication, because these PHP files lack user authentication at the beginning of the files.

    But if a C&C server owner gets pwned through this vuln, it is not a good idea to complain to the developer, because after careful reading of the install guide, one can see:

    "For searching info in the collector database there is a PHP interface as formgrabber admin panel. The admin panel is not intended to be found on the server. This is a client application."

    And there are plenty of reasons not to install the formgrabber admin panel on any internet reachable server. But this fact leads to another possible vulnerability. The user for this control panel is allowed to remotely login to the MySQL database, and the install guide has pretty good passwords to be reused. I mean it looks pretty secure, there is no reason not to use that.


    Next time you find a SpyEye panel, and you can connect to the MySQL database, it is worth a shot to try this password.

    Unfortunately the default permissions for this user is not enough to write files (select into outfile):

    Access denied for user 'frmcpviewer' (using password: YES)

    I also made a little experiment with this SQL injection vulnerability. I did set up a live SpyEye botnet panel, created the malware install binaries (droppers), and sent the droppers to the AV companies. And after more and more sandboxes connected to my box, someone started to exploit the SQL injection vulnerability on my server! - - [16/Jun/2014:04:43:00 -0500] "GET /form/frm_boa-grabber_sub.php?bot_guid=&lm=3&dt=%20where%201=2%20union%20select%20@a:=1%20from%20rep1%20where%20@a%20is%20null%20union%20select%20@a:=%20@a%20%2b1%20union%20select%20concat(id,char(1,3,3,7),bot_guid,char(1,3,3,7),process_name,char(1,3,3,7),hooked_func,char(1,3,3,7),url,char(1,3,3,7),func_data)%20from%20rep2_20140610%20where%20@a=3%23 HTTP/1.1" 200 508 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)"

    Although the query did not return any meaningful data to the attacker (only data collected from sandboxes), it raises some legal questions.

    Which company/organization has the right to attack my server? 
    • police (having a warrant)
    • military (if we are at war)
    • spy agencies (always/never, choose your favorite answer)
    • CERT organisations?

    But, does an AV company or security research company has the legal right to attack my server? I don't think so... The most problematic part is when they hack a server (without authorization), and sell the stolen information in the name of "intelligence service". What is it, the wild wild west?

    The SQLi clearly targets the content of the stolen login credentials. If this is not an AV company, but an attacker, how did they got the SpyEye dropper? If this is an AV company, why are they stealing the stolen credentials? Will they notify the internet banking owners about the stolen credentials for free? Or will they do this for money?

    And don't get me wrong, I don't want to protect the criminals, but this is clearly a grey area in the law. From an ethical point of view, I agree with hacking the criminal's servers. As you can see, the whole post is about disclosing vulns in these botnet panels. But from a legal point of view, this is something tricky ... I'm really interested in the opinion of others, so comments are warmly welcome.

    On a side note, I was interested how did the "attackers" found the SpyEye form directory? Easy, they brute-forced it, with a wordlist having ~43.000 entries.

    (Useless) Cross site scripting

    Although parts of the SpyEye panel are vulnerable to XSS, it is unlikely that you will to find these components on the server, as these codes are part of the install process, and the installer fails to run if a valid install is found. And in this case, you also need the DB password to trigger the vuln...

    Session handling

    This is a fun part. The logout button invalidates the session only on the server side, but not on the client side. But if you take into consideration that the login process never regenerates the session cookies (a.k.a session fixation), you can see that no matter how many times the admin logs into the application, the session cookie remains the same (until the admin does not close the browser). So if you find a session cookie which was valid in the past, but is not working at the moment, it is possible that this cookie will be valid in the future ...

    Binary server

    Some parts of the SpyEye server involve running a binary server component on the server, to collect the form data. It would be interesting to fuzz this component (called sec) for vulns.

    Log files revealed

    If the form panel mentioned in the SQLi part is installed on the server, it is worth visiting the <form_dir>/logs/error.log file, you might see the path of the webroot folder, IP addresses of the admins, etc.

    Reading the code

    Sometimes reading the code you can find code snippets, which is hard to understand with a clear mind:

    $content = fread($fp, filesize($tmpName));
    if ( $uptype === 'config' )
        $md5 = GetCRC32($content);
    else $md5 = md5($content);
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/4.0") != -1) {
    alert("Your browser is not support yet. Please, use another (FireFox, Opera, Safari)");
    document.getElementById("div_main").innerHTML = "<font class=\'error\'>ChAnGE YOuR BRoWsEr! Dont use BUGGED Microsoft products!</font>";

    Decrypting SpyEye communication

    It turned out that the communication between the malware and C&C server is not very sophisticated (Zeus does a better job at it, because the RC4 key stream is generated from the botnet password).

    function DeCode($content)
    $res = '';
    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($content); $i++)
    $num = ord($content[$i]);
    if( $num != 219) $res .= chr($num^219);
    return $res;
    Fixed XOR key, again, well done ...
    This means that it is easy to create a script, which can communicate with the SpyEye server. For example this can be used to fill in the SpyEye database with crap data.

    import binascii
    import requests
    import httplib, urllib

    def xor_str(a, b):
    i = 0
    xorred = ''
    for i in range(len(a)):
    xorred += chr(ord(a[i])^b)
    return xorred

    b64_data= "vK6yv+bt9er17O3r6vqPnoiPjZb2i5j6muvo6+rjmJ/9rb6p5urr6O/j/bK+5uP16/Xs7evq9ers7urv/bSo5u316vXs7evq/a6v5pq/trK1/bi4qbjm453j6uPv7Or9tr/u5um+uuvpve3p7eq/4+vsveLi7Lnqvrjr6ujs7rjt7rns/au3vOa5sre3srW8s7q2tr6p4Lm3tLiw4LmuvKm+q7Spr+C4uPu8qbq5ub6p4Li4vKm6ubm+qeC4qb6/sq+8qbq54LiuqK+0tri0tbW+uK+0qeC/v7So4L+1qLqrsuC+trqyt7ypurm5vqngvb24vqmvvKm6ubm+qeC9/aivuq/mtLW3srW+"
    payload =xor_str (binascii.a2b_base64(b64_data), 219)
    print ("the decrypted payload is: " + payload)
    params = (binascii.b2a_base64(xor_str(payload,219)))
    payload = {'data': params}
    r ="http://spyeye.localhost/spyeye/_cg/gate.php", data=payload)

    Morale of the story?

    Criminals produce the same shitty code as the rest of the world, and thanks to this, some of the malware operators get caught and are behind bars now. And the law is behind the reality, as always.

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    2. Como Convertirse En Hacker
    3. Hacking Language
    4. Mindset Hacking Español
    5. Hacker Pelicula
    6. Hacking 2019
    7. Significado Hacker
    8. Tecnicas De Hacking


    Purpose of Hacking?
    . Just for fun
    .Steal important information 
    .Damaging the system
    .Hampering Privacy
    .Money Extortion 
    .System Security Testing
    .To break policy compliance etc

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    2. Informatico Hacker
    3. Hacking Videos
    4. Etica Definicion
    5. Hacking Desde Cero
    6. Whatsapp Hacking
    7. Whatsapp Hacking

    What Is Keylogger? Uses Of Keylogger In Hacking ?

    What is keylogger? 

    How does hacker use keylogger to hack social media account and steal important data for money extortion and many uses of keylogger ?

    Types of keylogger? 


    Keylogger is a tool that hacker use to monitor and record the keystroke you made on your keyboard. Keylogger is the action of recording the keys struck on a keyboard and it has capability to record every keystroke made on that system as well as monitor screen recording also. This is the oldest forms of malware.

    Sometimes it is called a keystroke logger or system monitor is a type of surveillance technology used to monitor and record each keystroke type a specific computer's keyboard. It is also available for use on smartphones such as Apple,I-phone and Android devices.

    A keylogger can record instant messages,email and capture any information you type at any time using your keyboard,including usernames password of your social media ac and personal identifying pin etc thats the reason some hacker use it to hack social media account for money extortion.


    Use of keylogger are as follows- 

    1-Employers to observe employee's computer activity. 

    2-Attacker / Hacker used for hacking some crucial data of any organisation for money extortion.

    3-Parental Control is use to supervise their chindren's internet usage and check to control the browsing history of their child.

    4-Criminals use keylogger to steal personal or financial information such as banking details credit card details etc which they will sell and earn a goof profit. 

    5-Spouse/Gf tracking-if you are facing this issue that your Spouse or Gf is cheating on you then you can install a keylogger on her cell phone to monitor her activities over the internet whatever you want such as check Whats app, facebook and cell phone texts messages etc . 


    Basically there are two types of keylogger either the software or hardware but the most common types of keylogger across both these are as follows-

    API based keylogger 

    Form Grabbing Based Keylogger 

    Kernal Based Keylogger 

    Acoustic Keylogger ETC . 


    How to detect keylogger on a system?

    An antikeylogger is a piece of software specially designed to detect it on a computer. 

    Sometype of keylogger are easily detected and removed by the best antivirus software. 

    You can view  the task manager(list of current programs) on a windows PC by Ctrl+Alt+Del to detect it.

    Use of any software to perform any illegal activity is a crime, Do at your own risk.

    More info

    1. Curso De Hacking Etico Gratis
    2. Hacking Attacks
    3. Hacking 2019
    4. Hacking With Arduino
    5. Aprender Seguridad Informatica
    6. Ethical Hacking
    7. Hacker Seguridad Informática
    8. Etica Hacker
    9. Growth Hacking Ejemplos
    10. Hacking Libro
    11. Hacking Youtube

    Thursday, April 23, 2020

    BruteSpray: A Brute-forcer From Nmap Output And Automatically Attempts Default Creds On Found Services

    About BruteSpray: BruteSpray takes nmap GNMAP/XML output or newline seperated JSONS and automatically brute-forces services with default credentials using Medusa. BruteSpray can even find non-standard ports by using the -sV inside Nmap.

    BruteSpay's Installation
       With Debian users, the only thing you need to do is this command:
    sudo apt install brutespray

       For Arch Linux user, you must install Medusa first: sudo pacman -S medusa

       And then, enter these commands to install BruteSpray:

    Supported Services: ssh, ftp, telnet, vnc, mssql, mysql, postgresql, rsh, imap, nntpp, canywhere, pop3, rexec, rlogin, smbnt, smtp, svn, vmauthdv, snmp.

    How to use BruteSpray?

       First do an Nmap scan with -oG nmap.gnmap or -oX nmap.xml.
       Command: python3 -h
       Command: python3 --file nmap.gnmap
       Command: python3 --file nmap.xml
       Command: python3 --file nmap.xml -i

       You can watch more details here:


       Using Custom Wordlists:
    python3 --file nmap.gnmap -U /usr/share/wordlist/user.txt -P /usr/share/wordlist/pass.txt --threads 5 --hosts 5

       Brute-Forcing Specific Services:
    python3 --file nmap.gnmap --service ftp,ssh,telnet --threads 5 --hosts 5

       Specific Credentials:
    python3 --file nmap.gnmap -u admin -p password --threads 5 --hosts 5

       Continue After Success:
    python3 --file nmap.gnmap --threads 5 --hosts 5 -c

       Use Nmap XML Output:
    python3 --file nmap.xml --threads 5 --hosts 5

       Use JSON Output:
    python3 --file out.json --threads 5 --hosts 5

       Interactive Mode: python3 --file nmap.xml -i

    Data Specs

    Changelog: Changelog notes are available at

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    2. Growth Hacking Sean Ellis
    3. Curso De Hacking
    4. Drupal Hacking
    5. Hacking Tutorials
    6. Hacking Web Technologies Pdf
    7. Google Hacking Database
    8. Hacking Aves
    9. Google Hacking Search
    10. Hacking Books

    Printer Security

    Printers belong arguably to the most common devices we use. They are available in every household, office, company, governmental, medical, or education institution.

    From a security point of view, these machines are quite interesting since they are located in internal networks and have direct access to sensitive information like confidential reports, contracts or patient recipes.

    TL;DR: In this blog post we give an overview of attack scenarios based on network printers, and show the possibilities of an attacker who has access to a vulnerable printer. We present our evaluation of 20 different printer models and show that each of these is vulnerable to multiple attacks. We release an open-source tool that supported our analysis: PRinter Exploitation Toolkit (PRET)
    Full results are available in the master thesis of Jens Müller and our paper.
    Furthermore, we have set up a wiki ( to share knowledge on printer (in)security.
    The highlights of the entire survey will be presented by Jens Müller for the first time at RuhrSec in Bochum.


    There are many cool protocols and languages you can use to control your printer or your print jobs. We assume you have never heard of at least half of them. An overview is depicted in the following figure and described below.


    Device control

    This set of languages is used to control the printer device. With a device control language it is possible to retrieve the printer name or status. One of the most common languages is the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). SNMP is a UDP based protocol designed to manage various network components beyond printers as well, e.g. routers and servers.

    Printing channel

    The most common network printing protocols supported by printer devices are the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), Line Printer Daemon (LPD), Server Message Block (SMB), and raw port 9100 printing. Each protocol has specific features like print job queue management or accounting. In our work, we used these protocols to transport malicious documents to the printers.


    Job control language

    This is where it gets very interesting (for our attacks). A job control language manages printer settings like output trays or paper size. A de-facto standard for print job control is PJL. From a security perspective it is very useful that PJL is not limited to the current print job as some settings can be made permanent. It can further be used to change the printer's display or read/write files on the device.


    Page description language

    A page description language specifies the appearance of the actual document. One of the most common 'standard' page description languages is PostScript. While PostScript has lost popularity in desktop publishing and as a document exchange format (we use PDF now), it is still the preferred page description language for laser printers. PostScript is a stack-based, Turing-complete programming language consisting of about 400 instructions/operators. As a security aware researcher you probable know that some of them could be useful. Technically spoken, access to a PostScript interpreter can already be classified as code execution.



    Even though printers are an important attack target, security threats and scenarios for printers are discussed in very few research papers or technical reports. Our first step was therefore to perform a comprehensive analysis of all reported and published attacks in CVEs and security blogs. We then used this summary to systematize the known issues, to develop new attacks and to find a generic approach to apply them to different printers. We estimated that the best targets are the PostScript and PJL interpreters processing the actual print jobs since they can be exploited by a remote attacker with only the ability to 'print' documents, independent of the printing channel supported by the device.
    We put the printer attacks into four categories.


    Denial-of-service (DoS)

    Executing a DoS attack is as simple as sending these two lines of PostScript code to the printer which lead to the execution of an infinite loop:

    {} loop

    Other attacks include:
    • Offline mode. The PJL standard defines the OPMSG command which 'prompts the printer to display a specified message and go offline'.
    • Physical damage. By continuously setting the long-term values for PJL variables, it is possible to physically destroy the printer's NVRAM which only survives a limited number of write cycles.
    • Showpage redefinition. The PostScript 'showpage' operator is used in every document to print the page. An attacker can simply redefine this operator to do nothing.

    Protection Bypass

    Resetting a printer device to factory defaults is the best method to bypass protection mechanisms. This task is trivial for an attacker with local access to the printer, since all tested devices have documented procedures to perform a cold reset by pressing certain key combinations.
    However, a factory reset can be performed also by a remote attacker, for example using SNMP if the device complies with RFC1759 (Printer MIB):

    Protection Bypass# snmpset -v1 -c public [printer] i 6
    Other languages like HP's PML, Kyocera's PRESCRIBE or even PostScript offer similar functionalities.

    Furthermore, our work shows techniques to bypass print job accounting on popular print servers like CUPS or LPRng.

    Print Job Manipulation

    Some page description languages allow permanent modifications of themselves which leads to interesting attacks, like manipulating other users' print jobs. For example, it is possible to overlay arbitrary graphics on all further documents to be printed or even to replace text in them by redefining the 'showpage' and 'show' PostScript operators.

    Information Disclosure

    Printing over port 9100 provides a bidirectional channel, which can be used to leak sensitive information. For example, Brother based printers have a documented feature to read from or write to a certain NVRAM address using PJL:

    Information Disclosure@PJL RNVRAM ADDRESS = X
    Our prototype implementation simply increments this value to dump the whole NVRAM, which contains passwords for the printer itself but also for user-defined POP3/SMTP as well as for FTP and Active Directory profiles. This way an attacker can escalate her way into a network, using the printer device as a starting point.
    Other attacks include:
    • File system access. Both, the standards for PostScript and PJL specify functionality to access the printers file system. As it seems, some manufacturers have not limited this feature to a certain directory, which leads to the disclosure of sensitive information like passwords.
    • Print job capture. If PostScript is used as a printer driver, printed documents can be captured. This is made possible by two interesting features of the PostScript language: First, permanently redefining operators allows an attacker to 'hook' into other users' print jobs and secondly, PostScript's capability to read its own code as data allows to easily store documents instead of executing them.

    • Credential disclosure. PJL passwords, if set, can easily retrieved through brute-force attacks due to their limited key space (1..65535). PostScript passwords, on the other hand, can be cracked extremely fast (up to 100,000 password verifications per second) thanks to the performant PostScript interpreters.


    To automate the introduced attacks, we wrote a prototype software entitled PRET. The main idea of PRET is to facilitate the communication between the end-user and the printer. Thus, by entering a UNIX-like command PRET translates it to PostScript or PJL, sends it to the printer, and evaluates the result. For example, PRET converts a UNIX command ls to the following PJL request:

    Information Disclosure@PJL FSDIRLIST NAME="0:\" ENTRY=1 COUNT=65535
    It then collects the printer output and translates it to a user friendly output.

    PRET implements the following list of commands for file system access on a printer device:


    As a highly motivated security researcher with a deep understanding of systematic analysis, you would probably obtain a list of about 20 - 30 well-used printers from the most important manufacturers, and perform an extensive security analysis using these printers.
    However, this was not our case. To overcome the financial obstacles, we collected printers from various university chairs and facilities. While our actual goal was to assemble a pool of printers containing at least one model for each of the top ten manufacturers, we practically took what we could get. The result is depicted in the following figure:
    The assembled devices were not brand-new anymore and some of them were not even completely functional. Three printers had physically broken printing functionality so it was not possible to evaluate all the presented attacks. Nevertheless, these devices represent a good mix of printers used in a typical university or office environment.
    Before performing the attacks, we of course installed the newest firmware on each of the devices. The results of our evaluation show that we could find multiple attacks against each printer. For example, simple DoS attacks with malicious PostScript files containing infinite loops are applicable to each printer. Only the HP LaserJet M2727nf had a watchdog mechanism and restarted itself after about ten minutes. Physical damage could be caused to about half of the tested device within 24 hours of NVRAM stressing. For a majority of devices, print jobs could be manipulated or captured.
    PostScript, PJL and PML based attacks can even be exploited by a web attacker using advanced cross-site printing techniques. In the scope of our research, we discovered a novel approach – 'CORS spoofing' – to leak information like captured print jobs from a printer device given only a victim's browser as carrier.
    A proof-of-concept implementation demonstrating that advanced cross-site printing attacks are practical and a real-world threat to companies and institutions is available at

    Our next post will be on adapting PostScript based attacks to websites.

    Authors of this Post

    Jens Müller
    Juraj Somorovsky
    Vladislav Mladenov

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    Fluxion - Set Up Fake AP, Fake DNS, And Create Captive Portal To Trick Users Into Giving You Their Password

    Fluxion is a security auditing and social-engineering research tool. It is a remake of linset by vk496 with (hopefully) less bugs and more functionality. The script attempts to retrieve the WPA/WPA2 key from a target access point by means of a social engineering (phishing) attack. It's compatible with the latest release of Kali (rolling). Fluxion's attacks' setup is mostly manual, but experimental auto-mode handles some of the attacks' setup parameters. Read the FAQ before requesting issues.
    If you need quick help, fluxion is also avaible on gitter. You can talk with us on Gitter or on Discord.

    Read here before you do the following steps.
    Download the latest revision
    git clone --recursive
    Switch to tool's directory
    cd fluxion 
    Run fluxion (missing dependencies will be auto-installed)
    Fluxion is also available in arch
    cd bin/arch
    or using the blackarch repo
    pacman -S fluxion

    Fluxion gets weekly updates with new features, improvements, and bugfixes. Be sure to check out the changelog here.

    How it works
    • Scan for a target wireless network.
    • Launch the Handshake Snooper attack.
    • Capture a handshake (necessary for password verification).
    • Launch Captive Portal attack.
    • Spawns a rogue (fake) AP, imitating the original access point.
    • Spawns a DNS server, redirecting all requests to the attacker's host running the captive portal.
    • Spawns a web server, serving the captive portal which prompts users for their WPA/WPA2 key.
    • Spawns a jammer, deauthenticating all clients from original AP and lureing them to the rogue AP.
    • All authentication attempts at the captive portal are checked against the handshake file captured earlier.
    • The attack will automatically terminate once a correct key has been submitted.
    • The key will be logged and clients will be allowed to reconnect to the target access point.
    • For a guide to the Captive Portal attack, read the Captive Portal attack guide

    A Linux-based operating system. We recommend Kali Linux 2 or Kali rolling. Kali 2 & rolling support the latest aircrack-ng versions. An external wifi card is recommended.

    Related work
    For development I use vim and tmux. Here are my dotfiles

    1. l3op - contributor
    2. dlinkproto - contributor
    3. vk496 - developer of linset
    4. Derv82 - @Wifite/2
    5. Princeofguilty - @webpages and @buteforce
    6. Photos for wiki @
    7. Ons Ali @wallpaper
    8. PappleTec @sites
    9. MPX4132 - Fluxion V3

    • Authors do not own the logos under the /attacks/Captive Portal/sites/ directory. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
    • The usage of Fluxion for attacking infrastructures without prior mutual consent could be considered an illegal activity, and is highly discouraged by its authors/developers. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Authors assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.

    • Beware of sites pretending to be related with the Fluxion Project. These may be delivering malware.
    • Fluxion DOES NOT WORK on Linux Subsystem For Windows 10, because the subsystem doesn't allow access to network interfaces. Any Issue regarding the same would be Closed Immediately

    Fluxion website:

    Related news

    1. Hackers Informaticos Contactar
    2. Mindset Hacking Español
    3. Tools Hacking
    4. Hacking Etico Certificacion
    5. Programas De Hacker

    Wednesday, April 22, 2020

    Security Onion - Linux Distro For IDS, NSM, And Log Management

    Security Onion is a free and open source Linux distribution for intrusion detection, enterprise security monitoring, and log management. It includes Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Snort, Suricata, Bro, OSSEC, Sguil, Squert, NetworkMiner, and many other security tools. The easy-to-use Setup wizard allows you to build an army of distributed sensors for your enterprise in minutes!

    Security-onion project
    This repo contains the ISO image, Wiki, and Roadmap for Security Onion.

    Looking for documentation?
    Please proceed to the Wiki.


    More information

    Hacking All The Cars - Part 2

    Connecting Hardware to Your Real Car: 

     I realized the other day I posted Part 2 of this series to my youtube awhile ago but not blogger so this one will be quick and mostly via video walkthrough. I often post random followup videos which may never arrive on this blog. So if you're waiting on something specific I mentioned or the next part to a series its always a good idea to subscribe to the YouTube. This is almost always true if there is video associated with the post.  

    In the last blog we went over using virtual CAN devices to interact with a virtual car simulators of a CAN network This was awesome because it allowed us to learn how to interact with he underlying CAN network without fear of hacking around on an expensive automobile. But now it's time to put on your big boy pants and create a real CAN interface with hardware and plug your hardware device into your ODB2 port. 

    The video I created below will show you where to plug your device in, how to configure it and how to take the information you learned while hacking around on the virtual car from part1 and apply it directly to a real car.   

    Video Walk Through Using Hardware on a Real Car

    As a reference here are the two device options I used in the video and the needed cable: 

    Hardware Used: 

    Get OBD2 Cable:

    Get CANtact:

    Get USB2CAN:

    Creating Network Interfaces: 

    As a reference here are the commands from the video for creating a CAN network interface: 

    USB2Can Setup: 
    The following command will bring up your can interface and you should see the device light color change: 
    sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 125000

    Contact Setup: 
    Set your jumpers on 3,5 and 7 as seen in the picture in the video
    Sudo slcand -o -s6 /dev/ttyACM can0 <— whatever device you see in your DMESG output
    Ifconfig can0 up


    That should get you started connecting to physical cars and hacking around. I was also doing a bit of python coding over these interfaces to perform actions and sniff traffic. I might post that if anyone is interested. Mostly I have been hacking around on blockchain stuff and creating full course content recently so keep a look out for that in the future. 

    More info